Thursday, September 11, 2014

How Writing in a Journal has Changed my Life.

As many of you know... I fill up quite a few journals often.  

To the point where people may think all I do is spend my time writing in a journal.  

which by the way,


we all have those moments in between tasks that you should probably be writing down that thought or idea you felt was amazing, or really help you have a better perspective on things.

I've learned a lot this year about how one thought, or one idea could change the entire world.

So please please please don't discredit how brilliant you truly are.  

It also makes a great reference for when you have those moments you feel stuck or as if your life isn't moving forward.  

Skip back a few weeks and start reading what an amazing, creative, awesome person you truly are.  

It also has made me appreciate the people in my life so much more because when someone inspires me, or does something selfless. I make sure to make note of it in case I forgot how much the people in my life have such an influence on who I am.

Also what a great way to see how much you've grown as an individual over the years.

I keep a journal where I write down my ideas, and track my progress.  

Then I have a visual journal that I print pictures out, color, draw,paint in.

Both I highly recommend investing into.


10 Reasons you should get to know a socialite as an entrepreneur.

10 Reasons you should get to know a socialite as an entrepreneur.

 1.   They know all the right people, and have the best connections.    They are not limited by industry, and enjoy going out and meeting others.

  2.  They are put ahead of the line for any social gathering or event.   Everyone wants the energetic, fashionable, person who talks to everyone at their party/ event.

3.   They are aware of the trendy, new places around town that
may not be known to everyone. 

4.   They tend to always make it easier for you to attend events because they take the lead and introduce you.

5.  You will never be sitting at the dreaded table of people that are considered bottom feeders.  
6.   They make even the most boring of situations entertaining.

7.   Their leadership, energy, and success inspire you within your life and business.

8.   They know how to successfully manage any and all social media platforms. 

   9. You’ll suddenly start to realize how fun prospecting can be once you learn to have fun and get to know others than having an agenda to sell.

    10.                   Not only are growing your business, making new friends, but you suddenly realize how amazing others are and tend to take of socialite behavior.   
