Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Self Improvement Through Organization

I believe that organization creates on overall peace within and its another form of self improvement.

You know that feeling when you get home after the maids just cleaned and how much you look forward to just sitting and thinking to yourself I love this feeling...

an overall sense of clean,and refreshed like a Saturday morning in bed, or going to the beach and your feet just hitting the water...

it really just opens your eyes in appreciating every room in your house that much more.

Organization is like upgraded maid service who specializes in interior design.

Yes! organization involves cleaning, but on a much bigger level. I am not here to clean your toilet, I am here to create an uplifting, positive atmosphere so you can enjoy using your toilet.

I absolutely love being able to inspire others within their home or office creating abundance change within there life.

xoxo your life changing coach and organizer
Brandy Coffin

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

How does the space your in reflect who you are....

Did you ever stop to think that the spaces you occupy is a direct reflection of you are and what you are about.

For example:
Your closet
Your bedroom
Your desk
Your bathroom

Even if its only a small amount of people who see you in your office, or house think about how they are perceiving you, but most importantly how do you think this is affecting your everyday life.  

Your space rather it be your home or office should reflect the best version of you.  

At We Organize Vegas we can help you create an environment that is inspiring, motivational, & represents who you are and what you are about.

Organization isn't just about always being able to find everything you need, or making tasks easier.     Organization can assist you in showing the world and yourself this is my space my area and look how unique, and inspiring I am.          

For example:


Your Outfit

 Your House

Your Closet

 Your Desk

You see how his style and professionalism shows up in every area of his house and office.   
His home and office inspires him to be the best version of himself.   He radiates confidence, and is professional yet stylish.   Yet still leaves you feeling like you want to know more about him...


Your Outfit 

Your House

Your Desk

Your Closet

You can see how she is trendy, fashionable, and inspiring and how its showing up in every area of her life.   She loves bright colors, movies, and leaves you with the thought who is this girl and how can I get to know her?    Her style is quirky, fun, and intriguing.   Her confidence shines, and she has a closet that you will wish was your own.   

This is one of the huge benefits of being organized.  Remember organization can look a lot of different ways and We Organize Vegas can assist you being the best version of yourself with our exceptional intuition, the love of organization, and having the passion to inspire you.    

Sunday, August 3, 2014

My amazing week..

I started eating healthier thanks to the support of Mandy White.

Photo: I have another Fabulous 90-day M.A.P. Program starting June 7th for any business owners; who are tired of struggling to pay their bills, scared to prospects, work 75 hours a week and feel like they are not getting anywhere in their business, feel like you are on a Merry Go Round, then I got solutions for you! Create effective habits in 90 days and take your business to the next level! After talking to me for 30 minutes I guarantee you will see how this program can change your life! Spread the word, this is the best program for business owners to find clarity. 702-688-3111

I had an amazing day taking myself on in MAP figuring out my streams of income and getting aligned with how I will achieve my 1 year goal.


Chili the hedgehog found his inner bat.  I found my inner posh.
Also met up with Justin Runde, had hummus, flat bread, a beer and helped eachother shift.   He also introducted me a whole new level legal advice through legal shield.  


Met up with Brandy Doss who gave me some amazing feedback for the future of We Organize Vegas.  She also provided me with my very much missed Mary Kay products.   Also had a great reminder by Andrea of how strong I am.  


Constitution day at Czarnowski.    Always an amazing day to celebrate how far we've come as a company and individuals.     Also sushi dinner with David,  and movie night.   Chili also got his poop boots washed.  


Started the day out sleeping in, went to a BBQ, then some wine and painting at wine and canvas Las Vegas.